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cooking their best dinner with a turkey as their main menu, they also spent time to buys electronics devices, cloths, toys, and others stuffs online on the Thanksgiving Day. Americans buyers spent $633 million on the 2012 Thanksgiving Day. Compared to the same day one year a

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cloths, toys, and others stuffs online on the Thanksgiving Day. Americans buyers spent $633 million on the 2012 Thanksgiving Day. Compared to the same day one year ago, total spent was $479 million within the one day period (or, an increase of 26%).

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While Americans were busy cooking their best dinner with a turkey as their main menu, they also spent time to buys electronics devices, cloths, toys, and others stuffs online on the Thanksgiving Day. Americans buyers spent $633 million on the 2012 Thanksgiving Day. Compared to the same day one year ago, total spent was $479 million within the one day period (or, an increase of 26%).

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