While users from around the world can keep using their @hotmail and @live addresses for many years to come, as the new generation email system called outlook.com has been launched this morning, the world’s largest software company is now offering any users to grab a brand new email address. Users can now use the @outlook.com extension to get email, send email, and keep email. Nobody is special as for getting an email address @outlook, it will be first-come, first-served service.
To get an outlook address, users must first exit all accounts related to Microsoft services such as Hotmail, Xbox, Live, Bing Rewards, SkyDrive, and others. A new user must go to www.outlook.com website and sign up online. During the signup, users must have a phone number, other email address, zip code, and date of birth. All of those steps are processed quickly and will take only a few minutes. After login into the new @outlook email address, users are allowed to connect the new outlook.com address with the old Hotmail or Live addresses by using account settings.
(Logo: Microsoft Outlook)