« Tablet PC shipments is on-track to beat laptop/notebook shipments in 2016, the sales figures for 2017 will be 416 million tablets versus 393 million laptops | Main | Google to retire several web services including iGoogle (personalized and real-time site), Google Video (video content will be moved to YouTube), and others »


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Apple's next-generation iPhone which could be called “the New iPhone” is expected for release in October 2012. Apple shipped 26.0 million units of smartphones in 2Q12, compared to only 20.4 million units in 2Q11.


HIV does not define who you are or what type of person you are. HIV does not rob you of your desires, your goals, or your personality. 70 million are afflicted with STD in the U.S. alone and an estimated over 400 million worldwide. www.positivechats.com is a warm STD dating site for 680,000+ singles with hiv and other STDs. 100% anonymous.

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