Smartphones devices have attracted more users in America during the last three months (February to April 2011) than the three months prior to February (November 2010 to January 2011). As per data provided by comScore, by the end of April 2011, there were 74.6 million people in America subscribed to smartphones handsets provided by carriers include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. Compared to the previous three-month period ending in January 2011, February to April saw an increase of 13% smartphone usages in America.
Steve Jobs’s company and the world largest mobile devices company Apple has moved up to number two position with 26.0% share of America’s smartphone platform market. The makers of iOS operating system that run on mobile devices include iPhone, iPad, and iPod, added 1.3% share from February to April 2011. Compared to the three-month period prior to the start of February, November to January period, Apple captured only 24.7% share of smartphone market.
Google Android operating system continues to be strong for the latest period (Feb-Apr) as it captured 36.4% share of America’s smartphone subscribers. This was an increase of 5.2% from previous period (Nov-Jan).
RIM BlackBerry has finally loosen its number two spot, as the popular QWERTY gadgets captured only 25.7% share in the latest period, compared to 30.4% share in the previous period ending in January (or, a drop of 4.7% share). The most anticipated new hardware from BlackBerry maker, Bold Touch, has been delayed for many reasons (i.e., due to earthquake in Japan). Tech watchers have speculated that those new devices will be delivered sometime in September this year.
The new operating system from the giant software company Microsoft captured only 6.7% in February to April period, compared to 8.0% share in November to January period (a drop of 1.3%). The future for Windows Phone operating system will look very bright as Steve Ballmer’s company has signed a long term partnership to power all Nokia gadgets with the Windows Phone OS, plus new updated software dubbed as “Mango” or Windows Phone 7.5 OS is slated for release this fall. The initial hardware products from Nokia will show up in all mobile network providers’ showrooms before this year’s seasonal shopping started in October 2011.
(Table: comScore)